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Postpartum & Newborn Support

I love to celebrate the sweetness of this season with my clients and walk alongside them in the midst of the challenges as well. I do home visits at 24 and 48 hours then again at 1 week postpartum. I will monitor your recovery, and provide well-baby care for your newborn including weight checks and breastfeeding support, along with any other issues that postpartum may hold for you. Families bonding and nesting together is my top priority. 


Feeling well supported and cared for in these beginning weeks can deeply impact your emotional and physical well-being postpartum. I believe this kind of support brings value to the family beyond the standard 6 weeks of care. I now offer follow-up visits (in my office) for the entire first 6 weeks of postpartum at 3 and 6 weeks with the option of a follow-up at 12 months postpartum if you choose to utilize it. The benefits of these extended visits guide the transition into life with the new member of your family. We continue to offer relevant education, support for your parenting and lifestyle choices, and connect your family to additional resources for maximum thriving with your baby!)


Postpartum Support for Birthing Person

  • Routine vitals, monitoring bleeding and uterine involution, perineal healing, labs when indicated

  • Breastfeeding education with hands-on support, and referrals as necessary

  • Mood disorder screening and referrals for treatment

Postpartum Support for Newborn

  • Routine vitals, monitoring weight, and assessment of baby’s milk intake

  • Metabolic screening of the newborn (PKU test)(not mandatory)

  • Hearing Screening

  • CCHD screening 

  • Paperwork for the birth certificate and social security card 

Postpartum Support for the Family

  • Consultation for getting your basic needs met and a postpartum plan made

  • Strategies for successful breastfeeding, maximum sleep and simplifying baby care

  • Education on co-sleeping and bed-sharing, diapering, developmental milestones and introducing solids

***i am a Certified Professional Midwife with an emphasis on traditional home birth and midwifery. i support and welcome ALL births and strive to preserve the physiological birth process.

****repeat clients always welcome*


"It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back." - From, The Invitation, by Oriah

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