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Prenatal Support







When you come into care with Birthing Instinct you will be given a unique gift. Midwifery support is not like any other support in the birth community. With midwifery support you get long meaningful, intentional appointments catered to your needs. This time is spent going through an array of topics. An emotional check-in, a physical check-in, education, and space to ask all the questions you would like. At Birthing Instinct we see fewer clients giving us space and time to invest in your physical, emotional, and spiritual health.   

Physical Check-In for Birthing Person

  • Blood Pressure 

  • Pulse 

  • Discussing any physical symptoms you may be feeling and the best ways to alleviate the uncomfortable ones

Physical Check-In for Baby 

  • Listen to your baby's heart rate at each appointment using

    • Doppler

    • Fetoscope (which is basically like a stethoscope specifically made to listen to the baby in the womb)

  • Talk about fetal movement  

  • Checking your fundal height (which is done with a measuring tape from the top of your pubic bone to the top of your uterus) 

  • Checking the position of your baby (as you progress in pregnancy we can help you, other children, your partner, and any other person present feel as well)

    • Head

    • Back

    • Butt

    • Extremities 

Emotional Check In 

  • How are you doing? Pregnancy brings lots of changes

    • Aches and pains

    • Growth, change, and stretching (literally and figuratively)

  • How do you feel about the upcoming birth?

  • How are you feeling about the relationships in your life? 

  • Your mental health matters

There can be a lot happening emotionally, and I am here to talk about it, process it, and encourage you along the way. I never push my clients to share more than they are willing, but I always leave that space open for you to utilize it as you feel comfortable.


  • Informed Consent

  • Informed Consent

  • Informed Consent

I will give you an overview of the research, the pros and cons of just about everything I can offer you, and you get to say yes or no. I give you information about tests available to you, referrals we can offer, choices you have for interventions...and then we get to discuss it and you get to make the final call. If there is something that clinically I deem to be necessary, we have that conversation as well.


***i am a Certified Professional Midwife with an emphasis on traditional home birth and midwifery. i support and welcome ALL births and strive to preserve the physiological birth process.

****repeat clients always welcome*

"Birth decisions should not be based on misinformation, fear, and someone else's agenda - it should be a personal, instinctive and informed decision that must be respected by the chosen caregiver on how and where the mother-to-be wants to birth." - Vicky Thomas

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